9 Best Money Mindset Books to Change Your Life

Money is one of the most important things in our lives, yet it’s also one of the most difficult things to talk about. If you’re looking for a way to change your financial situation, consider reading one of the many great books about money mindset. Discover how to think about and handle money in a more positive way, which can lead to greater financial success.

A woman cozy and reading a money mindset book.

1. We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers

The book cover of We Should All Be Millionaires.

This is one of my all time favorite books about money! In We Should All Be Millionaires, lawyer and entrepreneur Rachel Rodgers provides readers with a new perspective on why earning money is not selfish or greedy. She explains that becoming wealthy allows us to be more impactful in the world.

The book covers the history on why women, and particularly women of color, have been systemically disadvantaged when it comes to building wealth – but how we can fix this.

The book will teach you ways to stop making “broke ass decisions” and start making “million dollar decisions” that lead you towards your path of financial success.

I also especially loved the section about the challenge to make 10K in 10 days. If that sounds impossible to you, I’d encourage you to give it a read. It’s a great actionable activity (which doesn’t have to be 10K – you can choose a number that works for you) that will help you improve both your financial situation and mindset quite quickly.

2. Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas

The book cover of Get Rich Lucky Bitch.

In Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, Denise Duffield-Thomas shares her story of going from broke to rich and explains how you can too.

Many people stay stuck in a cycle of poverty because they believe they’re not deserving or capable of being wealthy. This book will help you change that way of thinking and start attracting more abundance into your life.

I like the actionable tips she provides, like tracking every penny that comes into your life. By focusing on the abundance of money you’re receiving, you’ll signal to the universe that you’re ready to receive more.

It may be a little woo-woo for some, but I found Denise to be very relatable, entertaining, and motivational. You’ll really hone in on the importance of mindset when it comes to money.

[If you like this book, you’ll also love our post on money mindset affirmations.]

3. Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

The book cover of Your Money or Your Life.

This book is a little different than the rest on the list, but I think is an excellent option for balancing your reading list and providing another perspective.

Your Money or Your Life is a classic personal finance book with a simple, yet powerful, message: your time is often more valuable than your money.

The book helps readers to understand the true cost of their spending habits and teaches them how to make more meaningful choices with their money. In addition to providing essential financial advice, Your Money or Your Life also offers a unique perspective on work and life satisfaction. By showing readers how to align their spending with their values, the book helps them to create a life that is both financially secure and personally fulfilling.

Whether you’re struggling with debt or just trying to save for retirement, this book is sure to provide valuable insights.

4. Quit Like a Millionaire by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung

The book cover of Quit Like a Millionaire.

In Quit Like a Millionaire, Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung share their story of how they retired at age 31 – with no trust funds or giant windfalls.

The book is packed with actionable advice on how to save money so you can retire early, like automating savings and investing in index funds. It’s more practical than some of the other options on this list, so it’s a great one to start with if you’re left-brained and like logical steps to follow.

What I really appreciate about this book is that it shows you there is no need to be some fancy pants investor. With a simple strategy of living off less than you make and investing heavily in index funds, you can achieve your FIRE (financial independence retire early) goals.

Shen and Leung’s message is simple: if they can do it, anyone can.

5. You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

The book cover of You are a Badass at Making Money.

Jen Sincero’s book “You are a Badass at Making Money” is a great read for anyone who is looking to improve their financial situation. As the description says, it heavily covers “how our bank accounts are mirrors for our beliefs about money”.

Sincero shares many relatable lessons from her own journey to embracing money. She busts common money myths, such as “rich people are greedy” and “you have to suffer to make money.”

Perhaps most importantly, though, the book helps readers to understand that the proper mindset that is necessary for success. Sincero shows readers that making money is not always about luck or talent (though those can be important) – but a true key is having the right mindset and believing in yourself.

Sincero is funny and relatable, and the book is an easy read.

6. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The book cover of Think and Grow Rich.

Think and Grow Rich is one of the most classic books on money mindset, originally published in 1937. I will admit, this is not my personal favorite – I found it tough to get through as the language is old school. But I know a lot of other folks that have found this to be the most impactful money mindset book they’ve read, so I would be remiss not to include it.

The book has sold over 100 million copies and continues to be one of the most popular books on wealth creation.

Hill’s work was inspired by Andrew Carnegie, who was one of the wealthiest men in history. The book outlines a 13-step process for achieving success, which includes developing a positive mental attitude, setting clear goals, and taking action.

While some of the advice may feel outdated (and some of the language is certainly a bit cringey), the principles are still relevant today and can help you change your relationship to money.

7. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind By T Harv Eker

The book cover of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

In Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T Harv Eker shares his secrets for success. He explains that the key to becoming a millionaire is to change your money mindset.

Eker explains how our childhood influences have shaped our current money blueprint – and how we can change that to create more wealth.

He then shares “wealth files” – principles that can help you think and feel like a millionaire. He also includes exercises you can do along the way.

Some of the important concepts in the book include:

  • Rich people believe “I create my life.”
  • Rich people focus on opportunities.
  • Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.
  • Rich people have their money work hard for them.

Eker’s book is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to change their relationship to money and create more abundance in their lives.

8. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

The book cover of "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"

While this book isn’t exclusively about money mindset, it is one of the leading books on mindset overall – and as such, why it’s making our list of top choices.

This book thoroughly covers the concept of fixed mindset vs. growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is the belief that our intelligence and abilities are static – we can’t really improve them.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that we can improve with effort and practice.

Dweck’s book shows how a fixed mindset can limit us in many areas of our lives – including money – and how utilizing a growth mindset can propel us to success.

9. The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage by Daymond John

The book cover of "The Power of Broke".

In The Power of Broke, Daymond John shares how he went from broke to successful. He explains that being broke can actually be an advantage.

I like this book because it offers a different perspective on money mindset than most of the others on this list. John argues that when we’re broke, we have nothing to lose – so we’re more likely to be creative and use our resources most effectively. And often, it’s these skills that lead to growth and success.

I like that the book shares real-life examples, both from John’s own experiences, sneak peeks at Shark Tank stories, and other successful entrepreneurs.

John’s book is a great read for anyone who wants to change their relationship with money and create more abundance in their lives. As the book description reads, “When your back is up against the wall, your bank account is empty, and creativity and passion are the only resources you can afford, success is your only option.”

The Bottom Line

While there are many excellent books about money, these ten are some of the best when it comes to helping you change your mindset and improve your financial situation. If you’re looking to make a real difference in your life, start with one of these titles. You won’t regret it!

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